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Our Philosophy


"If a child is to keep alive their inborn sense of wonder, they need the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with them the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in."
-Rachel Carson

At Project Foxwood, we empower young people through experiential learning. Our unique programming model emphasizes creativity, exploration, and community building. Our goal is to make a positive impact on each member of our community by building connections to self, others, and the natural world. 


We work hard to create create meaningful experiences for all. When a participant finishes their time with us, we hope they will have a stronger sense of self and independence, a better understanding of how to relate to and communicate with others, and will have tried something new!


In all that we do, we embrace 5 central ideals:



Our collaborative programming model fosters strong leadership skills and independence while giving participants the opportunity to create their own experience.



The non-competitive culture creates a safe space for participants to try new things and take healthy social and physical risks.


Unplugged Connection

We are an unplugged community. Taking a break from the electronic world helps us reconnect with others in an authentic way and develop strong communication skills.

Free Time


Free time is incorporated multiple times throughout each day to give participants a chance to relax, explore new interests, and connect with others.



A sense of playfulness is ever-present in our programs. By having a fun and playful environment, we create a space to discover oneself and explore with others.

Learn more about our programming and activities!

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