Meet Conni
Conni first attended a summer camp when she was nine years old. She started working at Camp Lookout in 1998 and has worked with Camp Lookout every summer since then. In addition to assisting with staff training and programming, Conni is the intern supervisor for Project Foxwood's internship program for pre-service teachers and future educators.
From her own experience, Conni knows that the skills gained as a camp staff
person directly connect to the skills used in the classroom. She credits her camp experience for helping her land several interviews and creating collaborative, experiential classrooms throughout her 47-year teaching career. Had it not been for the pandemic, she would probably still be singing camp songs in her 4th and 5th-grade classroom!
Conni has been an adjunct faculty with the College of Education at Michigan State
University, serves on several state and national boards, and is nationally recognized
as a McAuliffe Fellow and Presidential Awardee for Excellence in Math and Science
Camp is Conni's "happy place" and she looks forward to working with staff, interns, and campers again this summer!